

Within 金门公园, you'll find lakes, gardens, museums, golf courses and a herd of bison. The Sunset offers a zoo, views of the Pacific Ocean and tasty eats.

Tulips bloom beneath one of 金门公园's famous windmills.

当地人把这个社区称为“大道”." Laid out in a grid of pastel-colored row houses all the way to the Great Highway and Ocean Beach, the neighborhood's northern border is a giant green rectangle better known as 金门公园.

Home to the 加州科学院de Young Museum, 花房, 贝博体彩app植物园等等, 金门公园 is one of the most visited city parks in the nation. Roller skaters share the sidewalks and roads with bicycles, pedestrians and skateboards. 比中央公园还大, 这个神奇的城市绿洲以野牛而闻名, redwoods, 在离太平洋不远的地方停下来. 

Dragon boat crews often practice on Lake Merced close to the mystical Fort Funston, 在那里你可以看到悬挂式滑翔机腾空而起. The 贝博体彩app动物园 is Northern California’s largest and Stern Grove (19th Avenue and Sloat Blvd.)是夏季免费音乐会的举办地.

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